May 2, 2010

Turmkunst, Bierpinsel Steglitz / Berlin, group show

Four international artists have commenced work on the most complex canvass Europe has to offer: Flying Förtress (Germany) is working on the 2000m² until mid April:
Inside the tower, 13 artist are presenting their work until May 15th, in an exhibition by Vicious Gallery.
With Craig Costello, Dave Decat, Dave the Chimp, Honet, Flying Förtress, Form76, Mr. Nonski, Nils Kasiske, Poch, Stak, Sozyone Gonzales, Stefan Strumbel and Thomas "Keramik" Mock. ->

Civil Bäng, SoFFin & Blabla

Irie polystorol, plastilin, artificial resin, 2010

in Touch acryl on canvas, 100x120/90x120 cm, 2010

in Touch acryl on canvas, 100x120/90x120 cm, 2010

Stephen Good acryl on canvas, 70x70 cm, 2009

Patrick Rocca acryl on canvas, 70x70 cm, 2009

Schlauchboot/Erschöpfung acryl on canvas, 80x80 cm, 2010

Andrew & Justin acryl on canvas, 80x80 cm, 2010

Andrew & Justin acryl on canvas, 80x80 cm, 2010

Baum1 acryl on canvas, 70x80 cm, 2010